Fuck you, very much ♥
Saturday, June 26, 2010
CPLH here. :D
im here to erm, cure my boredom.
anyone bored? :/
hees. what to do?
omo. our blog is dead ttvm!
i just found myself something to do..

Happy 14th Birthday, Rachel
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"You think that your hair is very nice? Well, let me tell you - IT'S UGLY." - Rachel to the Teo Heng Karaoke staff.

In a short summary of the day's events:

1. Took a bus but couldn't find the karaoke place.
2. Asked around to no avail.
3. Took cabs to find the place.
4. Found the place. Staff insisted they called Crystal but she didn't answer, so they cancelled the reservation. Next reservation's at 7PM.
5. Crystal got sad. But everything went okay.... when the most epic part of the day happened.
6. Crystal + Kelvin + Rachel = WAR against the Teo Heng people! They shouted and yelled, and it was a pity it wasn't caught on tape.
7. Satisfied, the clique decided to bus to Bedok for no reason.
8. Noticed some ugly karaoke place called Cash Studio. Decided to check it out.
9. Cash Studio = Best karaoke place ever! $11 for hours of singing in a comfortable environment with free drinks.
10. Sang Lady Gaga, lots of K-pop (JASMINE + CHERYL) and Chinese songs (KELVIN + CRYSTAL).
11. Went home. The end!

+ Jasmine laughed over the train joke: Sitting on top of a train, instead of losing your balance - you lose your head!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I just thought I'd add that all the clique members are now posting their photographs on Facebook, and this blog will officially be on a long hiatus. Maybe forever, since there isn't really a need for a blog since we have Facebook?

Good luck to
CHERYL and JIALIN/CRYSTAL for their Ordinary level examinations
& JASMINE and BRANDON for their Normal/Ordinary level examinations
Remember, the future begins now.
All the best.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
can you people tag ??
ROARHS! im going to kill you people mannnnnn.
tag leyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
the blog is going to die someday you know?
can tag can tag can tag ?
and, happy birthday jasmine!
will celebrate with you next week.
sorry though :x

should i just close the blog instead ?

Saturday, August 1, 2009
oh godxcxcxcxcxz.
cheryl is here to revive the blog! ;D
well, it seems the blog WILL die someday.
okayyyy. things are fine between us.
only tat jasmine cant make it on weekdays meeting.
okays. hope we'll get to meet as one whole s.u.p again soon.
hahs. im outta words to say alr. damn it.
okay, since im alr so bored, i shall sing a song.
lalalala, lalalala, elmo's world.
lalalala,lalalala, elmo's world!
elmo loves his goldfish,
his crayons tooooo,
that's ELMO'S WORLD! :o

yay. i sang a song. (:
alrights. im crapping here.
haha. lame.
okeydokey..its time to sleep.
haivng tuition with jialin tmr;DD
alrights, goodnight peeps.
update asap.

i miss s.u.p!

Friday, July 17, 2009
cheryl is posting tday.
haha. well, credits to bran;D
thanks bran!
the blogskin's kinda nice.
haha. alright.
we'll be BFF's forever!